Taking in the vast landscape and beautiful views at Lyme Park in Disley

As soon as we set off from Manchester on board the train to Disley I knew it was going to be a beautiful day. It was the perfect Sunday afternoon; the sky was a brilliant blue and the late autumn sun beamed down into the train carriage, warming our faces, as we sat idly doodling and watching the suburban towns of Manchester slip way.
We arrived in Disley within thirty minutes and after stepping off the train, it was only a pleasant ten minute walk to our destination. Lyme Park, we were immediately presented with the most stunning scenery stretching out before us. A beautiful lake lay to our left as we headed down the pedestrian path and before long we were immersed in what felt like just us and the vast landscape.
Soon we were ambling up the hill in haste of reaching the silhouetted building that protruded out of the top of its summit. Slightly menacingly known as the Cage, I imagined prisoners trapped in grisly conditions there, left to rot for all eternity. I later found out that it had been used as a viewing platform for hunting parties, but I prefer to let my imagination run away with me on such walks.
The light was that perfect type you get on a clear autumn day when the sun is low in the sky. It was fresh, but warm and cast a haziness over everything and made the shadows thick and heavy. Once we reached the top, a little out of breath, we collapsed in a crumpled, contented heap and sat back to take in the beautiful panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.
The house at Lyme Park is another fairytale in itself…
Images by Sam Young